Alberta Netcare

Alberta Netcare (formerly Wellnet) is the province of Alberta's public Electronic Health Record.



There are three main categories of Netcare users:

Netcare allows authorized physicians to view the medical records of patients. Pharmacies can use the service to verify prescription details, and to upload medication dispensations.


Netcare messaging is performed with HL7-encoded XML messages.

Messages are sent and received over a secure HTTP connection.


Netcare uses a two-factor authentication protocol involving a username/password combination, and an RSA SecurID Key Fob for authentication. Users who are within the trusted networks of the Government of Alberta (eg. hospitals) do not require the RSA key for login.

Security Failures

From May 15-29, 2009 a Trojan virus was detected on several Alberta Health and Netcare systems, compromising the privacy of 11,582 Edmonton area patients.

See also

External links